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Terms of Service

QuickTask Effective: 15th January 2024

The QuickTask Terms of Service (updated January 2024) delineate QuickTask and your commitments and responsibilities concerning the QuickTask Website, App, and Services.

Kindly review these Terms of Service attentively. By establishing an account on our platforms, you acknowledge that:

1. You have perused, comprehended, and concurred to be bound by these terms of use, inclusive of additional policies referenced herein and/or accessible via links.

2. You are either of legal age to form a binding contract with QuickTask, or you have reached the age of majority in your state of residence and have provided consent for any minor dependents to utilise this site.

1. You possess the authority to personally enter into the terms of use or represent the company you have designated as the user, binding that company to the terms of use.

The term "you" encompasses all users of the site, including but not limited to browsers, vendors, customers, merchants, and content contributors, whether individuals or legal entities. The term "Company" refers to QuickTask. The term "Tasker" designates the individual undertaking services to fulfil the duties outlined in a task. The term "Task Poster" denotes the individual publishing the task for completion.


1. Scope of QuickTask's Website, App, and Services

QuickTask's platform encompasses a dynamic and expansive scope, offering users a versatile online space to streamline task management. The platform's scope is detailed as follows:

1.1 Central Hub for Task Facilitation

QuickTask serves as a central hub where users can seamlessly post a diverse array of tasks for completion. This strategic role creates an interactive marketplace, connecting individuals seeking assistance with taskers ready to take on various challenges.

1.2 Vibrant Marketplace Dynamics

The platform's design fosters a vibrant marketplace where users can effortlessly engage with each other. Whether it's posting tasks or taking on assignments, QuickTask ensures a lively and interactive environment that enhances the overall user experience.

1.3 Broad Task Categories

QuickTask accommodates a broad spectrum of task categories, providing users with flexibility in task creation. From household chores to specialised skilled services, the platform encourages users to explore and post tasks that align with their unique needs.

1.4 Collaborative Task Execution

Emphasising collaboration, QuickTask promotes an environment conducive to efficient task execution. Users are encouraged to work together seamlessly, ensuring tasks are completed with precision and satisfaction.

Additional Points:
1.5 User Flexibility

Users enjoy unparalleled flexibility in posting tasks that cater to their individual needs. QuickTask's inclusive platform accommodates a wide range of task categories, allowing users to find solutions for various requirements.

1.6 Task Diversity

QuickTask actively encourages diversity in task offerings. The platform recognizes and celebrates the unique requirements of its user base, creating a space where users can explore an extensive range of tasks and services.

1.7 Community Engagement

The collaborative environment fostered by QuickTask extends beyond task execution. The platform is designed to encourage engagement within the user community, creating a space where individuals can connect, collaborate, and contribute to each other's success.

2. QuickTask's Role and Obligations

QuickTask assumes a crucial role in facilitating transactions and ensuring the seamless execution of tasks within its platform. The platform's responsibilities and obligations are outlined as follows:

2.1 Financial Transaction Facilitation

QuickTask serves as an intermediary in the financial transaction process. Users entrust payments to QuickTask, establishing a secure and efficient exchange system that safeguards the interests of both task posters and task performers.

2.2 Secure Fund Transfer

Upon successful completion of a task, QuickTask takes the initiative to transfer funds to the tasker's account. This process is executed promptly and securely, reflecting QuickTask's commitment to ensuring that users receive their due compensation in a timely manner.

2.3 Deduction of Nominal Commission

QuickTask operates on a sustainable business model, and as part of this, a nominal 13% commission is deducted from the total task value. This commission contributes to the maintenance and improvement of the platform, allowing QuickTask to continue providing valuable services to its user community.

Additional Points:
2.4 Reliable Intermediary

QuickTask's role as a reliable intermediary is central to fostering trust among users. The platform actively works to create an environment where users can confidently engage in transactions, knowing that QuickTask acts as a trustworthy facilitator.

2.5 Trust and Transparency

Trust and transparency are fundamental principles guiding QuickTask's operations. The platform prioritises these values throughout the financial transaction process, ensuring that users have a clear understanding of each step and can trust in the reliability of the platform.

1.6 Task Diversity

QuickTask actively encourages diversity in task offerings. The platform recognizes and celebrates the unique requirements of its user base, creating a space where users can explore an extensive range of tasks and services.

2.6 Commitment to User Satisfaction

QuickTask is dedicated to user satisfaction, and this commitment extends to the financial aspect of task completion. The platform prioritises prompt payment processing, recognizing the importance of timely compensation for task performers, thereby enhancing the overall user experience.

3. User Obligations

QuickTask places a strong emphasis on user obligations, setting the foundation for a positive and collaborative environment. Users play a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of the platform, and adherence to ethical conduct is paramount:

3.1 Responsible and Ethical Behaviour

Users are expected to engage in responsible and ethical behaviour while participating in the QuickTask community. This includes treating fellow users with respect, honesty, and fairness, creating a conducive atmosphere for collaboration.

3.2 Open Communication

Transparent communication is a cornerstone of the QuickTask experience. Users are encouraged to openly communicate with each other, particularly when collaborating on tasks. This not only fosters trust but also ensures that expectations are clearly communicated and understood.

3.3 Clear Task Descriptions

Clear and concise task descriptions are essential for a seamless user experience. Task posters are obligated to provide accurate and detailed descriptions, enabling task performers to assess the requirements and make informed decisions about task acceptance.

Additional Points:
3.4 Adherence to Community Guidelines

Users must adhere to the established community guidelines outlined by QuickTask. These guidelines serve as a framework for acceptable behaviour, promoting a harmonious and respectful online community.

3.5 Transparent Communication Throughout Tasks

The encouragement for transparent communication extends throughout the entire task process. QuickTask advocates for ongoing and clear communication, ensuring that any developments or changes related to the task are promptly shared between the involved parties.

3.6 Promotion of Responsibility

QuickTask actively promotes a sense of responsibility among its users. This includes being accountable for one's actions, ensuring the accuracy of information shared, and upholding the principles of fairness and integrity within the QuickTask community.

3.7 Fostering a Respectful and Collaborative Community

The collective efforts of users contribute to fostering a respectful and collaborative community on QuickTask. This environment is characterised by positive interactions, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to the principles outlined in the user obligations.

4. Third-Party Services

QuickTask seamlessly integrates Third-Party Services into its platform, broadening the spectrum of offerings available to users. It's crucial to understand the role of these services, their independence from QuickTask, and the absence of limitations on third-party engagement:

4.1 Diverse Third-Party Integrations

QuickTask strategically incorporates various Third-Party Services, including but not limited to providers like Google, Stripe, and hosting platforms. These integrations are designed to enhance the overall user experience by offering a diverse array of functionalities and features.

4.2 External Nature of Third-Party Services

It's imperative to recognize that Third-Party Services featured on the QuickTask platform are external entities operating independently. These services contribute to the richness of the platform by providing specialised functionalities, and their offerings are not directly governed by QuickTask.

4.3 No Responsibility for Accuracy or Effectiveness

QuickTask explicitly disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy, effectiveness, or outcomes of Third-Party Services. Users are encouraged to exercise due diligence and evaluate the suitability of these services based on their individual needs and preferences.

Additional Points:
4.4 Expanding Task Options

The incorporation of Third-Party Services significantly expands the range of task options available to users. These services bring diversity and versatility to the platform, catering to a broader spectrum of user requirements and preferences.

4.5 Independence and Suitability Assessment

QuickTask underscores the independence of Third-Party Services and encourages users to assess their suitability based on specific needs. Users have the flexibility to explore and engage with these services as per their preferences, thereby personalising their QuickTask experience.

4.6 Integration with Reputable Providers

QuickTask collaborates with reputable third-party providers, such as Google and Stripe, known for their reliability and industry standards. This strategic collaboration aims to ensure a seamless and secure user experience within the QuickTask platform.

4.7 No Limitations to Third-Party Engagement

Users are free to engage with Third-Party Services without limitations imposed by QuickTask. This openness allows users to leverage external services based on their preferences, contributing to a customised and enriched QuickTask experience.

5. Verification

Verification on QuickTask is a pivotal aspect of establishing a secure and trustworthy environment for all users. The following details QuickTask's approach to user verification and introduces additional elements related to user badges:

5.1 Identity Verification Services

QuickTask employs robust Identity Verification Services to ascertain the authenticity of new users joining the platform. This comprehensive process involves multifaceted checks that contribute to building a secure foundation for user interactions. By undergoing identity verification, users contribute to the overall safety and reliability of the QuickTask community.

5.2 Secure Environment Creation

The employment of Identity Verification Services goes beyond simple authentication; it actively contributes to creating a secure environment within the QuickTask platform. Users can trust that their interactions occur within a protected space, fostering a sense of confidence and reliability.

5.3 User Confidence Promotion

Identity Verification serves as a cornerstone in promoting user confidence on the QuickTask platform. When users know that their counterparts have undergone a thorough verification process, it instils trust and bolsters the overall integrity of the community. This confidence is essential for fostering positive and collaborative tasking experiences.

5.4 Background Checks for Enhanced Safety

As part of the verification process, background checks are conducted to add an extra layer of safety to the QuickTask community. These checks contribute to the creation of a safer environment, providing users with an additional assurance of security in their interactions with other community members.

5.5 Additional Badges for Verified Users

QuickTask recognizes and appreciates users who go the extra mile to enhance their credibility. Users with additional verifications, such as Gas Safe, NICEIC, or DBS checks, will be awarded special badges displayed on their profiles. These badges serve as visible indicators of users' commitment to maintaining high standards and can be instrumental in attracting potential taskmasters or taskers.

Additional Points:
5.6 Trustworthiness Enhancement

The overarching goal of the verification process is to enhance the trustworthiness of the QuickTask platform. By incorporating additional badges for users with specific verifications, QuickTask aims to highlight and reward the commitment to excellence and safety demonstrated by these users.

5.7 Community Protection

The implementation of identity verification and background checks significantly contributes to the protection of the QuickTask community. These measures are designed to mitigate potential risks and create an environment where users can engage with confidence, knowing that their safety is a top priority.

6. Insurance

Given the nature of task-based interactions on the QuickTask platform, it is imperative for users to understand the insurance-related aspects. The following elucidates QuickTask's stance on insurance and provides additional guidance:

6.1 Absence of QuickTask-provided Insurance

QuickTask explicitly states that it does not furnish insurance coverage to users utilising the QuickTask Website, App, or Services. This means that users, both taskmasters and taskers, need to be cognizant of the absence of any inherent insurance protection provided by QuickTask.

6.2 User Responsibility for Inquiries

Users bear the responsibility of conducting their inquiries to determine whether additional insurance is necessary for their specific circumstances. QuickTask places the onus on users to make informed decisions regarding the need for supplemental insurance coverage based on their tasks and preferences.

Additional Points:
6.3 Tasker's Insurance Accountability

Identity Verification serves as a cornerstone in promoting user confidence on the QuickTask platform. When users know that their counterparts have undergone a thorough verification process, it instils trust and bolsters the overall integrity of the community. This confidence is essential for fostering positive and collaborative tasking experiences.

6.4 Encouragement for User Exploration

QuickTask encourages users to explore and obtain insurance coverage that aligns with the nature and scope of their specific tasks. This proactive approach empowers users to safeguard their interests and mitigate risks associated with task-related activities.

6.5 Prioritising Up-to-date Insurance

Taskers are specifically urged to prioritise the maintenance of up-to-date insurance coverage. This emphasis is crucial in ensuring that taskers have adequate protection against potential liabilities that may arise during the fulfilment of tasks. Proactive insurance management contributes to a secure and responsible user community.

6.6 Informed Decision-Making

By disseminating information on the absence of QuickTask-provided insurance and emphasising user responsibilities, QuickTask aims to facilitate informed decision-making. Users are encouraged to assess their insurance needs, explore suitable coverage options, and take necessary precautions for a secure tasking experience.

7. Limitation of Liability

In the interest of maintaining transparency and clarity, QuickTask emphasises the limitations of liability associated with the use of its platform. Users should carefully consider the following provisions:

7.1 Broad Scope of Exclusion

You understand and acknowledge that QuickTask, along with its officers, directors, employees, affiliates, agents, interns, suppliers, or licensors, shall not be held liable for any injury, loss, claim, or indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages. This broad exclusion encompasses a range of potential harms arising from or related to your use of the QuickTask website, services, or products.

7.2 Varied Nature of Damages

The specified damages include but are not limited to, those arising out of contract breaches, tortious acts, negligence, strict liability, or any other legal grounds. Users should be aware that the exclusion applies regardless of the legal basis for the damages incurred.

Additional Points:
7.3 Agreed-Upon Allocation of Risk

The parties involved in the QuickTask platform acknowledge that the limitation of liability outlined in this section is a result of a mutual agreement on the allocation of risk. This recognition underscores the importance of understanding and accepting the inherent limitations associated with using the platform.

7.4 Maximum Limitation Permitted by Law

QuickTask's liability is expressly limited to the maximum extent permitted by law. This restriction holds particularly true in jurisdictions where laws do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for certain types of damages. Users should be mindful of these legal constraints when engaging with the QuickTask platform

7.5 Explanatory Acknowledgment

It is crucial for users to recognize that the limitations outlined in this section are integral to the Terms and Conditions Agreement. The parties involved acknowledge and accept these limitations as a fundamental aspect of their engagement with QuickTask.

7.6 Legal Context Consideration

Users are urged to consider the legal context and implications of the limitation of liability, especially in regions where specific laws may impact the enforceability of such provisions. QuickTask strives to adhere to legal standards while providing a transparent framework for user interactions.

7.7 Informed Decision-Making

By acknowledging these limitations, users are empowered to make informed decisions about their participation in the QuickTask platform. Understanding the extent of liability limitations ensures a clear understanding of the associated risks and responsibilities.

8. Privacy

QuickTask places a paramount emphasis on user privacy, and any personal information volunteered on the QuickTask Website, App, or Services is governed by our comprehensive Privacy Policy.

8.1 Commitment to Privacy

QuickTask is unwavering in its commitment to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of user information. The platform employs robust security measures and privacy protocols to ensure that user data is handled with the utmost care and diligence.

8.2 Encouraging User Understanding

Users are actively encouraged to review the Privacy Policy provided by QuickTask. This essential document outlines the specifics of how user data is collected, used, stored, and protected by the platform. It serves as a crucial resource for users to understand the principles and practices governing the handling of their personal information.

Additional Points:
8.3 Transparent Data Handling Practices

QuickTask's Privacy Policy is designed to be transparent and accessible, providing users with clear insights into the platform's data handling practices. Understanding these practices empowers users to make informed decisions about their engagement with QuickTask.

8.4 Security Measures

The commitment to user privacy extends to the implementation of stringent security measures. QuickTask employs industry-standard practices to safeguard user data against unauthorised access, ensuring a secure environment for all users.

8.5 Continuous Updates and Compliance

QuickTask is dedicated to keeping its Privacy Policy updated to align with evolving privacy standards and legal requirements. Users can rely on QuickTask to adhere to best practices and maintain compliance with relevant privacy regulations.

8.6 User Education

In addition to reviewing the Privacy Policy, QuickTask engages in ongoing efforts to educate users about the importance of privacy and data security. This proactive approach contributes to a well-informed user community that values and prioritises privacy in their interactions with the platform.

9. Modifications to the Agreement

QuickTask reserves the right to modify these Terms or the Policies at any time in its sole discretion without notifying the user.

Key Provisions:
9.1 Unilateral Modification Authority:

QuickTask maintains the unilateral authority to modify Terms or Policies based on its discretion. This flexibility allows QuickTask to adapt to changing circumstances, improve services, or address emerging needs within the platform.

9.2 Notification Mechanisms:

Users will be notified of any changes to the Terms or Policies through official communication channels facilitated by the platform. These channels include in-platform notifications, emails, or other designated communication methods chosen by QuickTask.

Additional Points:
9.3 User Awareness Responsibility:

It is the user's responsibility to stay informed about any updates to the Terms and Policies. Users are encouraged to regularly check for notifications, read emails, or refer to designated communication channels to be aware of any modifications made by QuickTask.

9.4 Ensuring Transparency:

QuickTask is committed to ensuring transparency in communicating changes to its users. Notifications aim to provide users with clear information about modifications, enabling them to understand the evolving terms and policies governing their engagement with the platform.

9.5 Acknowledging and Accepting Modifications:

By using the QuickTask platform, users implicitly acknowledge and accept the possibility of modifications to the Terms or Policies. Staying informed empowers users to make well-informed decisions and align their actions with the current guidelines set by QuickTask.

9.6 Proactive User Engagement:

Proactive engagement with notifications and updates enhances the user's understanding of the evolving landscape. QuickTask encourages users to actively participate in staying informed, contributing to a collaborative and well-informed community.

By recognizing the dynamic nature of the QuickTask platform and staying engaged with notifications, users contribute to maintaining a transparent and adaptive environment.

10. Notices

Except as stated otherwise, any notices must be given by registered ordinary post or by email, either to the QuickTask contact address as displayed on the QuickTask Platform or to the QuickTask Users' contact address as provided at registration.

Key Provisions:
10.1 Communication Channels:

The designated communication channels for notices include registered ordinary posts and email. Users are required to use these official channels for effective communication with QuickTask.

10.2 Recipient Addresses:

Notices should be directed to the QuickTask contact address as displayed on the QuickTask Platform or the contact address provided by QuickTask Users during registration. This ensures that communications reach the intended recipients promptly. chosen by QuickTask.

Additional Points:
10.3 Maintaining Effective Communication:

Notices play a crucial role in maintaining effective communication between QuickTask and its users. It serves as a means to convey important information, updates, or changes related to the platform, policies, or user accounts.

10.4 User Responsibility:

Users bear the responsibility of ensuring their contact information is accurate and up-to-date. Keeping contact details current is essential to receive important notifications, announcements, and updates from QuickTask in a timely manner.

10.5 Importance of Timely Updates:

Timely updates through notices contribute to a seamless user experience. Users benefit from being informed promptly about any changes or developments that may impact their engagement with the QuickTask platform.

By adhering to these notice provisions and recognizing their significance, users contribute to the overall efficiency of communication within the QuickTask community. Ensuring accurate contact information helps maintain a transparent and well-informed user environment.

11. Equitable Relief

The Tasker Poster and Tasker acknowledge that QuickTask may suffer irreparable harm in the event of a breach of this Agreement. Therefore, in addition to monetary relief, the Company is entitled to equitable relief, including temporary, preliminary, and/or permanent injunctive relief to restrain any threatened, actual, continuing, or further breach without showing or proving actual damages.

Key Provisions:
11.1 Irreparable Harm:

QuickTask and the involved parties recognize that certain breaches of the Agreement may result in irreparable harm to the platform. Irreparable harm refers to damage that cannot be adequately compensated through monetary means alone.

11.2 Entitlement to Equitable Relief:

In acknowledgement of the potentially irreparable harm, QuickTask is granted the right to seek equitable relief in the form of injunctions. This includes temporary measures to prevent immediate harm, preliminary relief during legal proceedings, and permanent injunctions to restrain ongoing or future breaches.

Additional Points:
11.3 Upholding Agreement Terms:

QuickTask places significant emphasis on the importance of all parties upholding the terms of this Agreement. Adherence to the agreed-upon terms is crucial for maintaining a fair and equitable environment within the QuickTask community.

11.4 Preventing Potential Harm:

Equitable relief is pursued not only as a remedy for harm suffered but as a proactive measure to prevent potential harm caused by a breach of this Agreement. QuickTask aims to address issues swiftly and effectively to maintain the integrity of the platform.

By acknowledging and agreeing to these provisions, users and QuickTask mutually recognize the necessity of equitable relief in certain situations to protect the platform, its users, and the overall user experience.

Additional Points:

QuickTask emphasises the importance of upholding the terms of this Agreement to maintain a fair and equitable environment.

Equitable relief is pursued when necessary to prevent potential harm caused by a breach of this Agreement.

12. Dispute Resolution Procedures

QuickTask is dedicated to fostering a collaborative and constructive user community, encouraging users to resolve disputes directly with one another, including claims for returns or refunds. However, QuickTask reserves the right to involve itself at its own discretion in a dispute, particularly when a clear fault is identified on either the tasker or the taskmaster's side.

Key Provisions:
12.1 User Attempted Resolution:

Users are initially encouraged to engage in direct communication to resolve disputes amicably. Open dialogue contributes to a positive and collaborative user community.

12.2 QuickTask Mediation:

In certain cases, where a dispute remains unresolved or escalates, QuickTask may, at its own discretion, act as a mediator. This involvement aims to ensure fair and impartial dispute resolution.

Additional Points:
12.3 Fair Mediation:

QuickTask's mediation role is designed to be fair and unbiased, facilitating a resolution that considers the interests of all parties involved.

12.4 Discretionary Involvement:

QuickTask retains the discretion to become involved in disputes based on the severity and nature of the issue. This discretionary involvement is exercised to maintain the integrity of the platform.

12.5 User Cooperation:

Users are expected to cooperate with QuickTask's mediation efforts, providing relevant information and adhering to the resolutions proposed during the dispute resolution process.

12.6 User Confidence:

QuickTask's involvement in dispute resolution is aimed at instilling confidence in the fairness and reliability of the platform. Users can trust that QuickTask will actively address disputes when necessary.

12.7 Limitation of Responsibility:

In cases where either party is dissatisfied with the outcome of a dispute resolution process involving QuickTask, it is explicitly acknowledged that QuickTask will not be held responsible for the dissatisfaction. Users agree that QuickTask's role in dispute resolution is conducted in good faith, and any decision made is final.

By participating in the QuickTask community, users acknowledge and agree to these dispute resolution procedures, understanding that QuickTask may, under certain circumstances, intervene to ensure a just and satisfactory resolution for all parties involved, with the understanding that QuickTask will not be held responsible for any dissatisfaction with the resolution.

13. User Conduct Violations

QuickTask users are expected to adhere to a code of conduct that upholds the integrity and fair practices of the platform. Violations of user conduct include:

Key Provisions:
13.1 Prohibition of Direct Communication

Users must refrain from direct communication, including but not limited to contacting taskmasters or taskers outside of the QuickTask platform. This prohibition ensures that the platform serves as a secure intermediary for communication, promoting transparency and accountability.

13.2 Restriction on Off-Platform Payments

Accepting payments outside of the QuickTask platform is strictly prohibited. Users are required to conduct all financial transactions through the platform to maintain a secure and reliable payment process, fostering a trustworthy financial exchange environment.

13.3 Condemnation of Fraudulent Activities:

Engaging in any form of fraudulent activity, such as providing false information or identification, is a severe violation of QuickTask's user conduct policy. QuickTask places a high priority on trust and authenticity within its community, and any breach of this policy undermines the foundation of the platform.

Additional Points:
13.4 Upholding Integrity

The outlined prohibitions aim to preserve the integrity of the QuickTask platform, fostering a trustworthy and collaborative environment for all users. Upholding integrity is fundamental to creating a positive and ethical community where users can rely on the platform for fair and secure interactions.

13.5 Penalties for Violations

Violations of user conduct may result in penalties imposed by QuickTask. These penalties can range from warnings to temporary account suspension or, in severe cases, permanent termination. QuickTask is committed to enforcing these measures diligently to ensure a fair, secure, and positive user experience for all participants on the platform.

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